Wooden Ballista Kit

29.05.2013 12:32

When the Ancient Romans absorbed the Ancient Greeks into their empire, they also assimilated a lot of Ancient Greek technology. And then, they did what smart people do with technology - they improved it and kept it evolving. The Greek Ballista became the Roman Ballista, and dang was it awesome. It was used on ships, it was used on battlements, it was even pulled in carts. In short, the Ballista was one of Rome's BFG's - and now, with this Wooden Ballista Kit, you can have a mini Ancient Roman BFG of your very own.

Each Wooden Ballista Kit is laser cut for easy assembly. Just follow the full color illustrated instruction manual and you'll be firing the included wooded bullets in no time. And we mean FIRING! See, this Wooden Ballista Kit makes a Ballista so powerful, you'll be launching the included wooden bullets around 30 feet or more! That means you get the joy of putting together your own Wooden Ballista Kit, you get the pride of listening to people admire your handiwork, and then you get the pleasure nailing them as they walk back to their desk. Boo-yah!. WE CAN FIND IN ThinkGeek for $ 9.99



Articulo aportado por Alejandro Gómez Colilla y Gabriel Escalonilla Vadillo