Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit

07.06.2013 10:37

Leonardo Da Vinci was a gifted artist. A look into his illustrations proves what a genius he was . . . a comic genius, that is. Scattered throughout his inventions and anatomical diagrams are caricatures of his students - exaggerating their features (especially on the pupils he didn't like). It's true; look it up. Anywho, Leo also liked drawing weapons, improving on their original design. At the time state of the art, Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit is based on Leo's own sketches.

In truth, Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit is a combination of two sketches, both found in his Codex Atlanticus. Each uses potential energy stored in bent wood (you in the second row - stop your giggling), to spring your projectile (the included ball of clay, or whatever you place on the arm) about 14 feet. So, you have the genius of a smart dead dude coupled with firepower - where will the fun end? You will learn and lob stuff all at once. Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit - Leo's chucker, come to life. WE CAN FIND IN ThinkGeek for 19.99$


Articulo aportado por Alejandro Gómez Colilla y Gabriel Escalonilla Vadillo